We commit ourselves to the principle of interdependence, acknowledging our interconnectedness and dependence on all the members of the Body of Christ. We will demonstrate our commitment by:
* Reaching out to others in the Body of Christ for collaboration, resource sharing and learning opportunities.
* Encouraging local churches to build relationships with like-minded and like-hearted churches in their communities to work together to reach the lost.
* Involving clergy in the processes of mentoring, coaching and consulting on the local, state, regional, national and international levels to increase the level of trust and support among ministers.
* Engaging in dialogue and partnership with local, national and international organizations who seek to fulfill the Great Commission
of Christ.
(Col. 2:19; 1 Cor. 12:14-31; Gal. 6:1-6)
- See more at: http://www.churchofgod.org/index.php/site/mission-and-vision#sthash.M7OjukCT.dpuf